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Data Structures

Tutoring > Data Structures​


Abstract Data types - What are they? What is the point of them?


Arrays, Lists, Stacks and Queues - What are they? What can we do with them?


Complexity - What is complexity? How do we measure and report on it?  Why is it important?


Trees - What is a tree? Different types of tree. Why are trees great? Why not?


Graphs - What is a graph? What properties can it have? Algorithms to traverse and visit nodes.


Sets and Maps - What are they good for? How are they bad?


Priority Collections - What is a priority collection? Heap trees? Dijkstra's algorithm?


Hash Tables - What is a has table? Are they worth it? What problems do they cause and how can we fix them?



Insertion Sort - How is it done? How fast is it?


Selection Sort - How does it work? Is it better than insertion sort?


Quick Sort - What is it? Is it any good?


Merge Sort - How do we use merge sort?


Heap Sort - How does heap sort work? What is a heap?


Tree Sort - How can we build a binary search tree from an array?

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